Re think, Re design, Re brand.

So in my head its going to be the end of the year soon. We are under three month from the end of 2013 and now its the time to start thinking about how I’m going make next year the best year yet.

Everything starts with a Re think. Thinking about what I have done well this year, what could be improved and how I’m going to do that.

Next its time to design my progression. Everything that will be seen by the world needs planning, careful consideration and thought. The design is not just for the aesthetic parts of what I do (Photography, Website, Blog) but also to the type of clients I want to work with, countries to visit. Planning and design is what holds up the best companies and brand.

When these are complete the next step is to make my new design my brand. Incorporate my personality into the design, and hopefully my brand will see me reach higher and move forwards. 

And life is all about moving forwards.


Into the Swing.

Finally things are moving forward.

I feel like I have direction and I am moving forward, Many of my projects that I have been working hard on are now coming to fruition and I am finding work really fun again! 

I love what I do and over the last week it really has hit me again how lucky I am, This year is going to be the best yet, I can feel it. All i need to do now is start getting fit again and getting out running, cycling and maybe even taking a break or two!


What a start to the weekend!

After my post about stress the other day I decided to take a short break from work. Two days to get out and enjoy myself!

The first was spent with a good friend, a lazy day in the sun, wild swimming in the local lake, no cares in the world!

The second was given over to my passion for nature. A full day birdwatching, from 05:00 in the morning till 23:10 at night. I met a good friend of mine and we took a trip out to Norfolk. We saw a huge amount and even managed to help locate a rarity for the whole country! Finished off with a great meal and a pint, another brilliantly relaxing day!

Why do my two days off matter to you? Well in those two days, even though I didn’t do any “work” I still managed to accomplish a great deal. My stress levels dropped, my creativity was reignited and my happiness improved. I also had time to evaluate what was being successful in my business at the moment, so I could target my work in the following days.

Having a break was just what I needed and it’s evidently working as I have already written two articles this morning before 10am!


Creativity is intelligence having fun.

“Creativity is intelligence having fun.” ― Albert Einstein

As I moved through school I was put into the “intelligent” category, those young people who are predicted to get A/B’s at A level and follow on from school by studying at University, before taking up a “respectable” job.

Sadly I am not one of those people… I am intelligent, don’t get me wrong (AAB at A level)… but I am a creative; not a clone. The world that fascinates me is not the one in books or the one on the TV, it is the one I see with my own eyes.

I became fascinated with visual media in my early teens, my photography became a way for me to explore and share what I was witnessing. I will always have a passion for the complex science behind organisms and natural processes but as I have develop as a creative individual, I have started to understand the value that comes from knitting together science and media in order to create a powerful visual message. I turned down Uni in order to explore my creativity and build a life based upon something I feel passionate about.

Albert Einstein was a creative, a visionary and a true inspiration. Creativity is intelligence having fun… and being creative is what I do best.



Fun. A simple three letter word.

One that when we are young we crave so much, but when we grow older we soon replace it with new words such as work, jobs and career. Fun is something we all need, even a small moment in our day, totally worthless in regards to those other boring words but also so vital. Without fun, life would be dull. Take a break, crack a joke, do something differnt. If today was to be your last day would you not want to know that at least for one small moment you spent it truly enjoying the fact you are alive?



We all get distracted. Today I should have been working hard on a number of new projects but instead I decided I was in need of some rest and relaxation. Getting distracted in my mind is often a good thing, time away from our normal life’s and work can bring us back refreshed and re energised.

Tomorrow I will be working hard. Of that, I am certain! 
