I’m Back!

After two weeks in Peru I’m back in the UK and what an amazing experience it was!

It was fascinating not only to see the huge amounts of wildlife but also how the disparity of wealth is causing the destruction and development of pristine rainforest. The trip has produced so many questions in my life about development, society and wealth and I keep asking myself if human development is making any real progress at all!


Not a lot happened today.

Not a lot happened today. Depending upon your viewpoint, no matter you did during your day, I can assure you that in fact a lot did “happen”. 

Your body unknown to you performed millions of actions, these occurred without you noticing, they passed your radar because we do not normally take these small miracles in to account when we tell people what we did during our day. If we did tell them…they would soon get bored as we laboriously described the thousands of chemical pathways working continuously in our bodies. The proton channels opening and closing, the ATP being formed in our cells, the nervous impulses that keep out hearts beating and muscles moving. 

Biology is incredible, inspiring and something we all should take a moment to think about. Its ability to keep us working with no input from our conscious mind is astounding. 

Never does a day go past when “not a lot happened”, because every day we perform a million micro actions within ourselves alone!
